User ID Lookup

Step 1a - Enter your Information

If you have forgotten your username, you can look up your user ID by completing the steps below.

For your convenience, if you are accessing this page from behind your modem, we will use this in order to identify you.  As a result, if you are attempting to look up your username from behind a modem other than your own, you will not be able to successfully complete the process.  If you are not behind your modem, we will need to collect the MAC address of the modem you are registered to, so please have this information accessible.

During this process, we will need you to provide your account number and verify the image text challenge.  At any point in time, you can click "Cancel" in order to return to the original page you were on prior to clicking the "Lookup User ID" link.

Modem Information

Please provide your modem's MAC address for verification purposes

Modem MAC*  

Where do I find my MAC address?

Finding Your Modem MAC

The Modem MAC address that you need to provide for your User ID Lookup is easy to find. Simply locate your modem. Most likely you have an Arris or Motorola modem.

If you have an Arris Modem:

Arris Modem Find Your Arris Modem MAC Address

For the Arris modem, locate your “CMAC” address on the white sticker located on the bottom or side of your modem. Please see picture above. Red box indicates correct MAC address to use for retrieving your user ID.

If you have a Motorola Modem:

Motorola Modem Find Your Motorola MAC Address

For your Motorola Modem, locate your “HFC MAC” address on the white sticker located on the bottom or side of your modem. Please see the picture above. Red box indicates correct MAC address to use for retrieving your user ID.

If your modem is not listed here, please contact us for further assistance.

Image Text

Enter the text shown in the image below and click "Next".

Image Text*  

* Required Fields - Please make sure not to include additional spaces when entering your MAC address.

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